K-W School board Makes cuts to Budget


The K-W school board has approved cuts in spending for the fiscal 2025 school year to balance the budget. The total cuts amount to a $409,226 reduction of the 2024-25 budget. Some of the reductions include $37,288 to cut the community education director’s time to half. $74,711 to eliminate one kindergarten teacher. Anticipated kindergarten enrollment will be 40 students and two classes can accommodate that. $105,561 is cut by eliminating two vans. Each van was only transporting one student. Another proposal will be to cut one school board position. Currently there are seven school board members. A school board member is paid $1,000 per year. This decision will be put up to a vote in November.

K-W superintendent Beth Giese also announced plans for a home construction class for the next school year with the project to build a Habitat for Humanity house in Kenyon. This allows students to get hands on experience in the building trades.