Wanamingo Community Garden


One of the many duties on Michael Boulton's plate as City Administrator is being in charge of the Community Garden in Wanamingo. The garden is a project open to the public and available on a seasonal basis. The initial capital costs of the project were originally funded through SHIP (Statewide Health Improvement Project), administered by Live Well Goodhue County. After the original funding, the maintenance and upkeep as well as the building of raised beds and a few picnic tables onsite, is funded by the city's general fund. The garden is located inside Torkelson Park on the northeast side of town.

The developed gardens are laid out in an orderly fashion. There are twelve 4 by 8 newly built raised beds, and nine 25 by 25 foot ground plots available to rent. Water and hoses are provided by the city, as well as all the tools necessary to till, plant and weed each area. Renters are expected to keep their spaces weeded, cleaned and aesthetically pleasing. Sprawling plants must be culled and maintained throughout the season, and not encroaching into the grass surrounding the plots, or into another person's plot.

A fee of $25 is charged each season to rent the plots and raised beds. This fee will be returned in November if the plots and beds are left the way they were rented-- Clean!

People love to garden for a variety of reasons. Michael likes to spend time with his family on his plot, teaching his kids where their food comes from. Some like to raise their own food, "farm to table" style. Others plant enough to can, freeze and dry their bounty for the winter. And some just like to be outside, in a serene place, growing food to share with their friends, family, and the local food shelf. Whatever reason you may have, if you are interested in renting a space to call your own, or to get on the waiting list, contact Michael at cityadministrator@cityofwanamingo.com. or call (507) 824-2477. Personally, I can't wait to get started!