Commissioner Corner


Hello everyone, I haven’t posted in a while but I just wanted to give you a quick update on the county. We did set a preliminary 2023 levy of 7.27% and have worked to drop that and we will continue to lower it as much as possible. We are all feeling the effects of our current economy and inflation and we are doing our best to spend our money wisely. The current job market is a real challenge for us and all businesses to recruit and retain employees. Please check our website for current job openings and give the county your consideration in your search for your career.  Road construction is coming to an end for the season, thank you to all who live close to the construction zones and are interrupted by the additional traffic. I also want to thank the townships and their maintenance crews, detours are intended to send traffic a certain direction but we all know that alternate routes are always found. I find it hard to believe we are in November already and Thanksgiving is right around the corner, at least all the political signs will be taken down soon. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns, thank you.